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More Than Just Ads: 9 Must-Watch Public Service Announcements


In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to overlook important social issues around us.

This is where Public Service Announcements (PSAs) come into play. These ads deliver social messages designed to raise public awareness and encourage action on important issues.

Unlike commercial advertisements that focus on profit, PSAs shed light on public concerns, evoke empathy, and inspire meaningful actions.

Curious about which PSAs are worth your attention? Check out the list below!

9 Best Public Service Announcements You Should Watch

1. “Don’t Know? Kasih No!” by BCA


Featuring the legendary comedian Indro Warkop, this campaign uses the tagline “Don’t Know? Kasih No!”—a phrase that resonates with humor and familiarity. The tagline cleverly references the names of two other Warkop DKI members, Dono and Kasino, making it especially nostalgic for older generations.

Through humorous and relatable sketches, this PSA highlights common scams targeting personal and financial information. The entertaining approach makes it easy for viewers to remember the message.
The key takeaway is simple: when in doubt, say no and report suspicious activities. This ad emphasizes the importance of vigilance, critical thinking, and the courage to say “no” to fraud.

2. “Let’s Be a Hoax-Free Generation” by the Directorate General of Informatics

The spread of misinformation causes anxiety in society. This PSA reminds people to use social media responsibly and avoid believing unverified news.
The ad encourages viewers to double-check any information they receive to avoid falling victim to hoaxes and fake news.

3. “Disabilities: Don’t Isolate Them” by UNICEF

Using engaging illustrations, this PSA challenges the stigma surrounding people with disabilities and promotes inclusivity. It encourages the public to avoid discrimination and emphasizes that disabilities should not prevent individuals from socializing or pursuing their dreams.

4. “Get Active” by the Ministry of Health

This campaign promotes a healthy lifestyle, encouraging people to stay active despite busy schedules. With humor and lighthearted storytelling, the PSA delivers messages about healthy eating, regular exercise, and the importance of physical activity.

5. “Say No to Drugs” by the Ministry of Education and Culture

Lepas dari Narkoba

This PSA goes beyond discouraging drug use by offering guidance on how to support loved ones struggling with addiction. It stresses that violence and blame are not effective solutions. Instead, the ad encourages compassion and support, assuring users that recovery is possible with the right guidance.

6. “Value Life” by the Directorate General of Land Transportation

“Sayangi Nyawamu”, Video Clip Sosialisasi Keselamatan Berkendara.

Aimed at reducing traffic accidents, this PSA emphasizes the importance of driving safely and ethically. Featuring a catchy song, the campaign reminds viewers that road safety is not just a personal responsibility but also a way to protect loved ones.

7. “Dispose of Waste Properly” by Matrix Media

This PSA promotes environmental cleanliness by encouraging people to throw garbage in designated bins. With a simple message, the ad raises awareness of the negative impact of littering and the importance of keeping the earth clean.

8. “Share the Space” by WWF Indonesia

This emotional PSA focuses on the conflict between humans and endangered animals. Using a story about elephants invading local villages, it highlights the struggle over shared living space. The message is clear: the earth belongs to all living beings, and peaceful solutions should be pursued to guide wildlife back to their habitats.

9. “Smoke? Keep It to Yourself!” by the Ministry of Health

This anti-smoking PSA targets both smokers and non-smokers affected by secondhand smoke. Through powerful visuals and straightforward messaging, it urges smokers to quit to protect their health and the well-being of others around them.

Interested in Creating Your Own PSA?

The examples we’ve discussed are just a few of the impactful PSAs that have touched hearts and driven positive change in Indonesia.

From education to environmental issues and financial fraud, PSAs bridge the gap between awareness and action. However, spreading these messages effectively requires time and effort.

With Seedbacklink, you can easily amplify your PSA’s reach.

Seedbacklink’s network of 20,000+ websites and blogs helps extend your PSA’s visibility and strengthens its impact, ensuring your positive message reaches a wider audience and inspires real change in Indonesia. Exciting, isn’t it?

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