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The Difference between Traditional PR, Digital PR & SEO. Here’s the Explanation


What is Digital PR?


Like almost everything today, the future ofpublic relations is digital. Digital technology is not only changing the way organisations communicate internally, it is also changing the way they communicate with each other and the public. PR is no longer just about producing press releases and responding to media enquiries.

Digital PR as practised today combines traditional PR strategies with content marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimisation (SEO). A strong Digital PR strategy creates conversations that speak directly to audiences online, highlighting key points of thought, research, and positioning brands as authorities in their field.

Two of the most common methods used by higher education institutions to promote their brand are expert commentary and faculty papers. At seedbacklink, we help our clients design Digital PR strategies that generate positive media exposure, increase SEO value, and build institutional credibility by connecting brands with online media.

Public Relation Digital, Public Relation Tradisional, and SEO


Public Relations Tradisional Digital Public Relations

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Focus  Press release, media response, crisis management PR and marketing integration, social media, SEO Optimisation of website visibility in search engines
Media Television, radio, print Social media, blogs, online news sites Search engines like Google
Communication  One-way communication Two-way and interactive communication Technical communication with search engines
Measurement  Measurements based on range and frequency Measurement with digital metrics: online reach, interactions, backlinks Measurement based on search rank, organic traffic, online visibility
Technique Media relations development, press release writing Expert commentary, article writing, social media usage Keyword optimisation, backlink building, website optimisation


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