4 min read

What is Newsjacking and How to Do It?


Do you want your business to gain widespread recognition without spending much? You can! The way to do this is by leveraging newsjacking.

What is Newsjacking?

Newsjacking is a public relations tactic that involves leveraging trending news to boost the exposure of a business, brand, or individual.
By capitalizing on viral news that is widely discussed, a brand can easily become part of the conversation. In fact, it’s not uncommon for the brand’s newsjacking efforts to go more viral than the original news itself.

However, achieving such results requires some effort. Particularly, speed and timing are crucial when releasing content. It’s also important to note that newsjacking is about aligning a brand with a trending story not making the brand the main headline. If a brand tries to make itself the focus, it can come across as hard-selling, inauthentic, and irrelevant to the audience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Newsjacking

While newsjacking may seem easy and profitable, there are several factors you need to consider. Here’s a breakdown:

Advantages of Newsjacking:

  • Relatively easy to execute
  • Requires minimal investment
  • Significantly increases social media engagement
  • Boosts brand exposure to a wider audience
  • Effectively showcases a brand’s values

Disadvantages of Newsjacking:

  • Highly dependent on timing delays reduce effectiveness
  • Only successful if targeted at the right audience
  • Can risk the brand’s reputation if not executed properly
  • Cannot be used too frequently

After learning the pros and cons, you now understand the benefits and risks of employing newsjacking strategies. Let’s explore some real-life examples of newsjacking by well-known brands.

Examples of Newsjacking

Here are some examples of newsjacking to inspire you:

1. Eiger Case

In January 2021, Twitter was buzzing with a viral tweet by @duniadian, who shared a letter from an outdoor gear brand criticizing his product review.

The letter pointed out the review’s visual quality, which did not meet the brand’s expectations, and requested the reviewer to delete the content.

Amid public debate, other brands began posting content mimicking the format of the complaint letter sent to Mas Dian.

However, they creatively modified the content to fit their message. For instance, Prepp Studio leveraged the moment to express their stance on the issue and even offered a camera as compensation to Mas Dian.

Why was this newsjacking successful?

  • The issue went viral across social media and online news outlets.
  • The topic was broad customer reviews allowing various brands to join the discussion.
  • Brands could use the issue to express their values and perspective on customer relationships.

2. Coldplay Concert Announcement

After Coldplay announced their concert in Jakarta, social media in Indonesia was abuzz with excitement. Some even called November 15, 2023—the concert date—a national holiday.

Quick to capitalize on the momentum, a financial education institution used the news to share tips on buying Coldplay tickets by using dividends from investments.

Why was this newsjacking successful?

  • The topic was widely discussed on social media and reported by news portals.
  • The target audience—young concert-goers—was well-defined.
  • The content resonated with young people from different economic backgrounds.

3. Proposal at KFC

This newsjacking example comes from South Africa. Twitter went wild over a couple’s engagement at a KFC restaurant.

KFC swiftly mobilized netizens to locate the couple. However, one person made a derogatory comment about the groom-to-be, criticizing his choice of location for the proposal.

Unexpectedly, the negative comment sparked an overwhelming response, with over 170 brands offering sponsorship for the couple’s wedding. These included Coca-Cola, Audi, Huawei, Cosmopolitan, McDonald’s, Puma, and many more.

Why was this newsjacking successful?

  • The story evoked empathy from readers, and by participating, brands became associated with those positive emotions.
  • Many brands could get involved due to the various needs required for a wedding.

Interested in Using Newsjacking to Promote Your Brand?

Newsjacking is a simple and promising strategy for gaining significant exposure. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your success:

  • Find viral topics that align with your brand.
  • Tailor your content to match your target audience.
  • Take advantage of the right timing and momentum.
  • Use ads to broaden your reach if necessary.
  • Avoid overusing the strategy to prevent coming across as opportunistic.

As an alternative to ads, you can also leverage newsjacking through media coverage. Don’t worry because by using seedbacklink services you can get your brand featured in the media within just 1-3 days.

Sounds exciting, right?

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